Portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
Published in , 1900
The contents above will be part of a list of publications, if the user clicks the link for the publication than the contents of section will be rendered as a full page, allowing you to provide more information about the paper for the reader. When publications are displayed as a single page, the contents of the above “citation” field will automatically be included below this section in a smaller font.
Published in , 1900
Mis à jour :
This is a description of your talk, which is a markdown files that can be all markdown-ified like any other post. Yay markdown!
Mis à jour :
This is a description of your conference proceedings talk, note the different field in type. You can put anything in this field.
I am responsible for this 24-hour lecture course under third-year engineering students at Telecom Paris, coordinated by Prof. Marceau Coupechoux., , 2023
Access and scheduling issues in wireless networks, including:
I am responsible for this 64-hour lecture course under third-year engineering students at CYU-tech., , 2024
I am responsible for this 40-hour lecture course under the Master program in Intelligent and Communicating Systems., , 2024
This 45-hour course focuses on understanding the basics of Machine Learning and applying it to problems in Computer Networks. I was responsible for part of it., , 2024
I am responsible for this 50-hour lecture course under the Master program in Intelligent and Communicating Systems., , 2024
This course covers advanced network tools and methods.
I am responsible for this 30-hour lecture course under third-year bachelor students at CYU-tech., , 2024