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Towards Automated LLC Allocation in High-speed Softwarized Networks based on DDQN

Published in , 1900

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Talk 1 on Relevant Topic in Your Field

Mis à jour :

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Wireless Networks Access Protocols

I am responsible for this 24-hour lecture course under third-year engineering students at Telecom Paris, coordinated by Prof. Marceau Coupechoux., , 2023

Course Content:

Access and scheduling issues in wireless networks, including:

  • Cellular access.
  • Scheduling algorithms.
  • CSMA/CD (Ethernet), CSMA/CA (WiFi).
  • Modern MAC protocols based on interference cancellation.

Probability and Statistics for Signals and Networks

I am responsible for this 40-hour lecture course under the Master program in Intelligent and Communicating Systems., , 2024

Course Content:

  • Discrete and continuous probability distributions.
  • Law simulations and experiment modeling.
  • Statistical parameters (mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis), estimators.
  • Conditional probabilities.
  • Probabilistic algorithms: Las Vegas, Monte Carlo, Markov Chains.
  • Hidden Markov Models, Viterbi algorithm.
  • Queueing theory and network simulation.

Machine Learning for Networks

This 45-hour course focuses on understanding the basics of Machine Learning and applying it to problems in Computer Networks. I was responsible for part of it., , 2024


  • Introduction:
  • Regression
  • Regression (continued) and Classification
  • Neural Networks
  • Trees and Ensembles
  • Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Anomaly Detection
  • Dimensionality Reduction for Anomaly Detection and Supervised Learning

Advanced Networks (Réseaux 2)

I am responsible for this 50-hour lecture course under the Master program in Intelligent and Communicating Systems., , 2024

Course Content:

This course covers advanced network tools and methods.

  • Advanced IP Networks:
    • Multicast: Principles, protocols, and programming.
    • IPv6
    • WIFI
    • Advanced Cryptography
  • IT Security.
  • Security of networks, data, data exchanges, and infrastructures.
    • Confidentiality, Availability, Integrity.
  • Network redundancy protocols and application-level redundancy protocols.
  • Clustering concepts.
  • Availability in terms of “number of nines.”
  • Single Point of Failure (SPOF) detection and mitigation.
  • Location:


Mobile Programming

I am responsible for this 30-hour lecture course under third-year bachelor students at CYU-tech., , 2024

