Under preparation
- Q. Liu, T. Zhang, L. Linguaglossa. "Towards Automated LLC Allocation in High-speed Softwarized Networks based on DDQN," Under preparation.
- Q. Liu, L. Linguaglossa, T. Zhang. "Toward Noninvasive Performance Dissection for High-speed Software Data Plane," Under preparation.
- X. Guo, Q. Liu, S. Wang, L. You. "Stochastic geometry-based MCS adaption for uplink networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2025.
- Q. Liu, T. Zhang, M. Hemmatpour, Q. Han, D. Zhang, C. Chen, M. Mellia, A. Aghasaryan. "Operationalizing AI/ML in Future Networks: A Bird’s Eye View from the System Perspective," IEEE Communications Magazine 2024. [Impact Factor: 11.2] [pdf]
- Q. Liu, T. Zhang, Walter Cerroni, L. Linguaglossa. "Proactive VNF Redeployment and Traffic Routing for Modern Telco Networks," IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (Netsoft) 2024. [Acceptance rate: 20%],
Best Paper Award 2nd Place. [pdf] - Q. Liu, T. Zhang, L. Linguaglossa. "Non-invasive Performance Diagnosis of Virtual Network Functions with Limited Knowledge," IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2024. [Acceptance rate: 19%] [pdf]
- C. Zheng, Q. Liu, M. Hemmatpour, T. Zhang, N. Zilberman. "Bontent Attacks from Birth to Grave - An In-network AI/ML Approach," IEEE Communications Magazine [under revision] 2024.
- Q. Liu, C. Wang, C. Zheng. "Distributed Decisions on Optimal Load Balancing in Loss Networks," The 21st International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks (Wiopt) 2023. [Acceptance rate: 30%] [pdf]
- Q. Liu, J.-Y. Baudais, P. Mary. "Transmission Policies Based on Learning by Reinforcement and Stochastic Geometry for Dynamic Cellular Networks," The 29th Signal and Image Processing Research and Study Group (GRETSI) 2022. [pdf]
- Q. Liu, J.-Y. Baudais, P. Mary. "Analysis of the Epsilon-stable Region in Dynamic Downlink Cellular Networks," IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2022. [pdf]
- C. Wang, Q. Liu. "Load Balancing Game in Loss Communication Networks," The 20th Games, Agents, and Incentives Workshop (GAIW) in International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2021.
- Q. Liu, J.-Y. Baudais, P. Mary. "Queue Analysis with Finite Buffer by Stochastic Geometry in Downlink Cellular Networks," IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2021. [pdf]
- Q. Liu, J.-Y. Baudais, P. Mary. "A Tractable Coverage Analysis in Dynamic Downlink Cellular Networks," IEEE 21st International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2020. [pdf]